I created a mockup of my 2nd webpage using Publisher. For my second webpage, I wanted to create a fashion page, as this is the main focus of my magazine. This page will include the same header as my homepage, and once selected from the navigation bar will be highlighted. At the top of the page will be an advert, which I will create, for a clothing store. Below this will be a scrolling slideshow which will show images of clothing and brands with links to websites where you can buy the products.
Finished Product
I created an advert for H&M which I featured at the top of my Fashion page underneath the header. I chose H&M as this is a brand which is very popular among my 16-25 demographic. Below this I created a small graphic which states 'Be bold, Be new, Be you' which I believe promotes my magazine's purpose of inspiring individuality and diversity among young people. The subtitle 'we feature fashion for guys, girls and everyone in between' further enforces my magazine's value of acceptance and equality. Under this is a direct address call to my audience and a link to subscribe to my magazine.
This is one of three scrolling slides which are featured on my Fashion page. Each slide shows products, a mixture of male and female, with prices and links to buy them online. This slide in particular appeals to my target audience as it features a range of recognisable brands which are popular among both girls and guys within the
16-25, culturally sophisticated demographic. It also uses direct address which draws in the viewer and makes them feel included.
These are the two stories featured on this page. The section title 'this week's highlights' indicates that the stories will change every week to keep my audience constantly updated and informed, demonstrating the immediacy and relevance of my magazine.
The first article specifically appeals to my target audience because it is about a niche fashion designer who has just released a unisex line which appeals to my male, female and androgynous audiences. The article also talks about self-expression which reflects my magazine's values. The text ends on an ellipse with a link to 'read more' which entices my audience to click and travel further onto my website. This provides audience engagement and interactivity.
The second article has a catchy title and is about the very popular clothing store, Uniqlo, making it appealing to my target audience. The article also provides insight into new clothing ranges from the store with exclusive information, demonstrating how my magazine values current news and regular updates.
At the bottom of my Fashion page is a form for my audience to fill out to enter a prize draw. This shows how my magazine enjoys interacting with its audience and provides viewers with an element of interaction and engagement. This prize draw was also promoted on my magazine's Instagram and Twitter feeds, helping my magazine connect with a wider audience, as well as demonstrating my brand's synergy.
Here is a link to my
2nd Webpage